Student Information Management System | Project Management Devlog #1


3 min read

Yo! This is Victor, a first year second semester student from Asia Pacific University in Malaysia (at the time of writing). I have been in the world of tech and programming since I was 12-13, started out as hobbyist game developer. After 10 years, I am still trying to make myself more skillful and learn more skills. Project Management has always been something that I look at with great passion.

The fact that I can direct my team-mates to do things and coordinate things between them makes me feel very accomplished if everything actually turn out to be alright. But whenever I am in the role, I always have this acute internal fear of not being able to meet expectations, yet I still take the role voluntarily anyways.

I will be uploading a list of dev-logs that record "How I am managing my university projects".

How I am managing my C Programming University Project?

Before we dive into that I would like to first dive into the details of what we have to develop.

Project Background and Scope

Basically, we are tasked with developing a Student Information Management System that encompasses several sub-systems from my understanding. I analysed the requirement document and identified these as potential sub-systems with features to be developed.

  1. User Management System

    Manages all the users affiliated with the system

  2. User Authentication System

    Manages the authentication and authorization of the users

  3. Attendance Management System

    Manages the attendance of students

  4. Course Management System

    Manages the courses a student or a lecturer is affiliated with

  5. Score Management System

    Manages the scores of the students

  6. Input Management System

    Handles the input of the user and translate it into a value that other systems can use

  7. Functionalities Management System

    Handles all the functionalities available

  8. Output Management System

    Handles how the data is going to be displayed to user a.k.a User Interface

  9. Data Management System

    Handles how the data is going to be stored and retrieved since we have to store the data in .txt file as per requirements.

Tools we are using

So how am I managing it?

First off, I created two documents "Project Requirement Specification Document" and "Technology Stack Document" inside our project management application of choice, Linear. As per the title, the former one is basically an analysis of the given requirements and the latter one is a simple document listing down all the tools that we can use. The reason for writing them down is to allow all team-members to be on the same page during the developmental process.

I decided that meetings will be held either with google meet or microsoft teams with for transcribing. To be honest, it works quite nice.

As with most projects, I decided that it would be best if we go with Github as our preferred Version Control Application. I do not want to take any risks of not using any version control application after freelancing for nearly 2 years. (I know the risk, haha)

I also installed the necessary Github apps for Microsoft Teams and Linear so that changes and issues can be synced between the platforms.

That's all for now. I will be having a meeting with my team-mates tomorrow to clear up anything that is unclear to them.